Peatel is the simplest loan interest rate sharing app to share loan interest rates to everyone around the world who have access to Peatel. People can explore the best fit loan interest for their own business and personal life.
Users can sign in with third-party accounts such as Google, Facebook & Apple. And they also have the option to sign in with their phone number too. Peatel is not store your password. If they lost their third-party account or phone number, they could not access Peatel.
Users can post their loan interest rate on Peatel for the Bank, Microfinance and Business. Their post will be published to all Peatel users. Peatel also helps users to find out the best loan interest rate that has been posted. Peatel feature does not support applying for a loan. Users can manage their own communication by using the comment feature.
Once users are interested in any interest rate, they can communicate with the post owner and also other users by using the comment feature. This is very helpful for credit officers (CO) and users who are looking for a loan offer from another bank, microfinance or business.
Users can like or dislike the interest rate as their own choice.
Users can calculate loan interest directly on published interest rates and they will see the common result of loan repayment as monthly. The result is not 100% present as the same as the owner organization but it is almostly similar to the actual calculation of each organization. To ensure the exact loan repayment calculation, users can ask the owner to clarify the calculation result.
Users can manage their profile such as upload/change photo profile or cover profile. They can also delete their account permanently, once their account was deleted they could not restore it back.
*** Important! Delete account permanently, you will lose your Peatel account forever and you cannot restore it. Please consider carefully before you delete your account and you will take your own risk.